Tales from

The Early Grave


Something Frickin’ Wicked This Way Comes

by | Feb 22, 2022 | Barrowmaze | 0 comments

Something Frickin’ Wicked This Way Comes

by | Feb 22, 2022 | Barrowmaze | 0 comments

Session Date: February 14th, 2022
Creatures Encountered: Skeletons (7)
Treasure: 20gp, 400sp, 2 Platinum Necklaces (174gp each), 2 Electrum Bracelets (52gp each), Potion of Clairvoyance
XP: 70xp each (+50xp bonus to Miguelle for exceptional roleplay)

Hear ye, hear ye good people of Helix!

This is your buddy Tony the Tool with a little update on the state of the Barrows etc.

SOMETHING FRICKIN’ WICKED is down in the Barrows moving around like a dangerous wind. I don’t know if it’s a vampire, some sorta spooky evil mist, or maybe just some hot air or monster toots, but if you’re going down there, I HIGHLY recommend you bring some holy water, silvered weapons, etc. with you along with some happy thoughts!

Anywho! My compatriots and I are likely to find out more in the near future, so keep an eye out at the posting board here for updates, and if you haven’t already, TRY THE CROC ZA! It’s out of this friggin’ world!

-Anthony “Tony-The-Tool” Tortletoni

Miguelle de Tortleatoni's artistic rendition of what happened down in the Barrowmaze on February 14th, 2022.

Miguelle de Tortleatoni’s artistic rendition of what happened down in the Barrowmaze on February 14th, 2022.

Report by

Tony the Tool

Tortle Artificer/Wizard
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