Artistic Rendering of The Tortletoni’s Adventure into the Barrowmaze for February 28, 2022, by Miguelle de Tortleatoni
Once again, Dear Readers, the Tortletonies and their stalwart companions, Casan Jonar and myself, set off into the Barrowmaze in our continuing effort to map the labyrinthine halls and passages within.
Upon entry into the Barrowmaze, we decided to progress forward toward a corridor we had previously encountered but had not explored. As we approached the entrance, it was suddenly illuminated by the sconces along the wall. We saw something at the end of the hall scurry quickly away and heard a blood curdling scream!
Most of the party sprang into action upon hearing the harrowing howl. Suddenly, flames burst from the walls of the corridor, entrapping the party in a blazing tunnel of fire. Through sheer force of will, we were all able to emerge out the other side, but not without getting a bit singed.
At the end of the hall, we emerged onto a pile of rubble, amongst which was a necklace made of the ears of various surface humanoids.
Another scream prompted Miguel to rush to the rescue, to find a large statue and the body of a dying cleric. As he bent to help, it attacked! It was no cleric on the floor, but an undead monster luring us in. After some scuffling, Frankie was able to drag it to hell amongst a swarm of purple tendrils.
More undead clerics shambled in, though they were no match for myself and Vikki. She and Casan investigated the hall they came from, and discovered a secret passage. At the same time, I was suddenly dragged into a side room and restrained by Mongrel Men. Miguel blew through the door to my rescue, and Tony put them all to sleep. We left Frankie to “clean up” the snoring enemies. He emerged moments later, festooned in their heads.
Somehow, more zombies arrived, but thanks to Vikki’s quick thinking, they turned on each other instead!
We ended our adventure, having looted the fallen enemies, and made it home, once again victorious!